
Giving + Prayer + Support

Partner through Giving

Thank you for your desire to give financially to support the ministry of Mystic Mountain. Your gifts enable us to continue serving kids and families, as well as provide a safe home for our horses. We are profoundly grateful for your kindness and support. It is an honor to have you shouldering with us.

Scholarship Fund

We know that the cost of everything can sometimes be overwhelming to many families, that is why we have our Scholarship Fund. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to come to Summer Camp, regardless of financial status. Each summer, we have many families seeking financial assistance. And thanks to YOU, we are able to scholarship each camper who applies. For many of them, this is "the best week ever!" and we couldn’t do it without your generous donations. If you believe in the power of summer camps, and the opportunity to meet Jesus while at camp, would you consider contributing to our Scholarship Fund? We thank you in advance! 

All monetary gifts, unless designated otherwise by the giver, are allocated to our general operating fund. This fund is used to pay for program expenses, horse care, and upkeep and maintenance. You may also designate your funds to specific areas such as scholarships, horse care, building construction or teen ministry.

Mystic Mountain Training Center is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. We can provide tax receipts for all contributions that include, but are not limited to: monetary donations, horse tack, feed, land, stocks, building supplies, etc.

Please make donations payable to Mystic Mountain Training Center and mail to:
Mystic Mountain Training Center
14520 Mystic Road
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403

Via Cash, Check or Money Order

One-time and recurring donations by credit card can be made online.
Donate Now

Via Credit Card

Prayer, Direct & Third Party Support

Prayer Team

Truly, the greatest gift that anyone can give... is simply to pray for us. Prayer costs nothing but a few moments of our time, it is something that everyone can give, and it is unquestionably one of the most powerful things that we can do for each other.

If you would like to join our Prayer Team and receive updates on current prayer requests, we’d love to have you shoulder this with us! Please email to let us know, and we will add you to the faithful group of people who pray for Mystic Mountain and the work God does here.

We deeply appreciate your willingness to set aside time to pray for Mystic Mountain.

Direct Support

Many individuals have contacted Mystic Mountain to ask one simple question: “How can I help?” It's an honor to have people like you desire to support this ministry.

Here are a few ideas to directly support Mystic Mountain:

  • Fundraising: bake sales, donations "in honor" of someone in lieu of gifts, tack sales, Play-day proceeds, birthday party giving in lieu of gifts, youth group yard work, chores for hire, church giving drives, yard sales. Nearly any surplus of items can be sold as a fundraiser.
  • Sharing the Message: Share Mystic Mountain's social media posts, newsletters, brochures, etc. with friends and family. For promotional materials, please contact us at
  • Your own Ideas: We're awed by the creative ways that kids, families and groups support Mystic Mountain. We're deeply appreciative for each one!

Third Party Support

An additional way to support Mystic Mountain is through third party organizations. Below we've listed various companies who've chosen to support the Center in their own unique ways. These companies will make a donation to MMTC when specific purchases are made or particular services are utilized through their website.

We wish to thank each organization that has made this possible. We thank each of you for you kind efforts to shoulder with us. We are truly blessed by you!

Other Ways to Help Us

Use Good Search

This search engine donates to non-profit organizations and schools every time a search is completed using their website. Log onto, type "Mystic Mountain Training Center" into the search window and then complete your internet search as usual. Click "Amount Raised" to see total donations accrued.

Shop at Gordon Food Service (GFS)

When shopping at GFS in Erie, let them know that your purchase should count towards Mystic Mountain Training Center. We receive a small percentage back on all items purchased.

Webtec, Erie Insurance, other local companies

These companies will match all employee financial contributions, and yours may too!